Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Being a Night Owl...

So, we all know by now (if you noticed the time stamps on my blog) that I'm a night owl. I wake up at around 3pm and go to bed at around 7am. Ever since my fiance moved in I made a promise to myself that I would not have one of those relationships where either I'm sleeping and he's awake, or he's sleeping and I'm awake constantly at different intervals. So, to make sure this doesn't happen I stay up all night long until he gets home from work then we spend a couple hours together, and after that we head to bed. Now, the downfalls of being a night owl are: I have to catch myself before I text my friends and wake them up past midnight; waking up early to make it on time for appointments is just absolutely horrible; by the time we wake up and feel rested everything in town is closed; I never feel completely rested anymore; I have to put black blinds over my windows so that I can sleep good; and none of my friends really like staying out late with us on the weekends.
There are many downfalls for this schedule, but I guess I can't really complain because my fiance means the world to me, and I would sacrifice all of that and more for him, especially if it means I can spend more time with him. I just hope one of these days he gets a job where he can work in the daytime before this "nighttime routine" starts taking years off my life.

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