Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Miscarriage: My experience & the big debate on the great "12 week wait"

July 21st, 2015 - Finding Out That I Was Pregnant
 My husband and I woke up like it was any other morning. We both jumped out of bed and headed out of our room to get ready for the day. I treated that day just like any other ordinary day. The very first thing I did was take an ovulation test. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for over a year and half now, and using ovulation tests have become a daily thing for us by this time. The truth is, ever since the day we got married we were very anxious to start our family. Since it seemed to be taking us a while to get pregnant, ovulation tests were recommended to us by our doctor. This is why we have always followed the rules on the box, and had been doing so for three cycles in a row. However, this cycle felt different. To our surprise, the test showed positive. This would mean that I had ovulated three days in a row. This fact definitely seemed very weird to my husband and I. In the past I had only ovulated one day within each cycle. With this in mind, I began to Google what might cause something like this. As I was searching the internet I found the same results over and over again. On the Internet there were many women who had said that they received several positive ovulation tests in a row, and had found out that this was caused by them being pregnant. Now, after receiving this information I was in denial. I didn't feel pregnant, but nevertheless I decided to take a home pregnancy test. When I read the results of my pregnancy test I felt a loss for words. Finally after I snapped back to reality I quickly ran to my husband to share the good news. At this point my husband and I were in tears. We had been trying for so long, and we both could not believe that it finally had happened to us. As we were so excited we had driven down to our local health center where we were given another urine pregnancy test that also read positive. Here we learned that our pregnancy was extremely early. The lady had told us that we were in fact somewhere between 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 weeks pregnant. She was surprised that we had even tested positive this early, and frankly so were we.

The Big Decision: Should we, or shouldn't we tell everyone the big news?

With this being said, my husband and I were on some sort of high that is hard to explain. I think the only feeling that could come close to the feeling that we were having that day would be the feeling a person would have if they were to win the lottery. We were so extremely excited to tell everyone. We just COULD NOT wait. So, we called all of our closest family members and by the end of the night we made the BIG Facebook post. We just full on let EVERY single person we knew know. 

While in the event of telling everyone we knew, I couldn't help but feel ashamed by how far along I was. I was definitely aware of the "12 week wait". I knew that a lot of pregnancies have the possibility of ending in early miscarriage. So when people asked how far along i was, I felt some sort of embarrassment for announcing my pregnancy so early. I felt as if announcing so early was something women just don't do. While I had this overwhelming feeling I completely shrugged it off and blamed my excitement for my very early announcement.

The Bad News: Was it bad timing, or just bad luck?

Unfortunately, a few days after we found out that we were pregnant, I noticed a little bleeding. I wasn't too worried though because the Internet had said that implantation bleeding is something that occurs quite frequently. So I decided to just wait the next day for my appointment to address the bleeding. Fortunately my doctor had reassured me that the bleeding I was experiencing was indeed an implantation bleed. So I went home and hadn't thought about the bleeding anymore. Well, this was until the bleeding picked up quite a bit. After this occurrence I decided it was time to go to the hospital. This is where everything changed. The doctor took blood samples from me and had let me know that the test results would only take a few minutes to come back. So in a very worried manner I waited only five minutes for the results to come back. As I felt nauseous with anxiety, these five minutes felt like hours. Today I wish those five minutes would have felt longer than they actually did. At least within these five minutes I still had hope that my baby was okay. When the results came back I wished I hadn't heard them at all. These results crushed every ounce of hope that I had inside me of becoming a mother. The truth is that by this time I was expecting to be around 4 weeks pregnant, but the ER doctor had informed me that I did in fact loose my baby.

This devastating news hit me like a ton of bricks. After hearing that I lost my baby I immediately wanted to break down and cry and scream on the floor. I didn't understand why something like this had happened to my husband and I. However I decided to take the news and walk away. I suppose I am very weird about things like this. When I look back at how I reacted to this news I definitely can understand when people say that ""people grieve differently". It all amounts to the fact that I  hate to make people feel bad for me. I felt that if I cried and carried on that day, that I would upset my husband more than he needed to be. So I decided to revert my attention to something else. I began asking where we needed to go before we went home and what we needed to get done this week. I guess avoiding the pain was my way of dealing with the situation.

The Bottom Line
The truth is that I should have never felt ashamed of telling everyone about my pregnancy. Actually, telling everyone allowed me to build myself a support system that was there for me in my time of need. Several people who are close to me have checked in on me and have reassured me that everything is going to be alright. This is something that I really needed. Honestly I think that it would have only hurt me more if I hadn't told everyone. I believe I may have felt even more guilt if I had covered up the fact that I had been pregnant as if it had never happened. Regardless of how far along I was, or how much of the child was"developed", it was still a human being. Not only that, but it was my baby, and even in those short moments that we had together I had grown attached to the little boy or girl that was growing inside of me. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

My Mini Pig Experience: Can you get your mini pig to maintain a healthy weight?

Two weeks ago I was going through my local yard sale site. You know, those groups on facebook where people post the things that they are trying to get rid of. Well, I was just scrolling along, and I came across the cutest little mini pig I had ever seen. The girl who was selling him happened to be a friend of mine, and her asking price was $150, which was incredible. Especially with the fact that the usual price of a mini pig ranges anywhere from $350 to $2500. The only catch was that my pig was 8 months old. I wanted a piglet, but for $150 I decided to settle with an adult pig who was already named Arnold.

Fortunately, after meeting Arnold and taking him home I was pleasantly surprised. Arnold was 8 months old, but only weighed 9.2 pounds. Which is small for his age. I have been doing research, and most pigs his age are 30-40 pounds. He looked like the little baby piggy I was hoping for. He was also very sweet, and liked to cuddle every now and then. Well, after getting Arnold home, he explored the house for about 3 hours straight. I swear if there was any dust bunnies under couches, beds, or tables, Arnold found some way to get them stuck to his wet snout.

With the good, there are some bad things that go with having a mini pig. First of all, I don't think that I have Arnold's diet down pact yet. In fact, Arnold has gained 3 pounds in the two weeks that I have had him. If you are going to have a mini pig be ready to do a ton of research on what the best thing to feed your pig is. Also, you will need to know how often and how much to feed your pig as well. Along with a diet, you will also have to learn about how to take care of your pig. You have hooves, and tusks, and ear mites, and skin conditions to worry about. You will definitely have to know how to take care of your pig's health. One last thing, pigs are very curious, this is why you have to take the correct precautions in caring for your pig. For example, I had thought that my room was completely spotless. Everything had been cleaned the night before. Thankfully, my husband was watching our pig baby close enough that he had heard him chomping on something. He looked down under the bed, and found our pig chomping on one of those silicone packets that they put in things to keep moisture out. These are VERY toxic. My husband jerked them away from  Arnold as quickly as he could. I called the vet, and he said to give Arnold charcoal to get the poison out. Thankfully he was okay, but you definitely have to be careful. Pigs need a lot of time and attention. You can't just put them outside when you're tired of hearing them snort around. Haha, if Arnold got outside without his harness on we would be in trouble. Pigs are fast, and hard to catch if they're not trained. Overall, if you have the time to properly take care of a mini pig it can be very rewarding, but if you are a super busy person I really wouldn't recommend it. 

The answer is yes. But, what does mini pig even mean? A mini pig just means that the pig is smaller than a farm hog. The truth is that farm hogs can weigh anywhere from a couple hundred pounds to several hundred pounds. So, this means that if your pig is under that weight, then it can be classified as a "mini pig". So, don't get a mini pig and expect it to be 10 pounds for it's entire life. Mini pigs can get up to 50 and even 100 pounds depending on what you feed them. Whatever you do, DO YOUR RESEARCH before investing in a pig.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Official Keeping Up With Sabrina Jewelry Boutique!!

Hey y'all, I'm very excited to announce that the new "Keeping Up With Sabrina" jewelry boutique is now open with the help of partners from KitsyLane!! Head down there and check it out now!!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Twice: Buy, and sell"(Who doesn't like a little free money.)

So, this afternoon I bumped into a website that is called "twice". It basically is an internet based consignment shop where you can buy and sell gently used clothes. Now, there are many good things about this site, and there are bad things as well. Keep reading to find out what the pros and cons are of "Twice".

Pros -

  • There is an app that can be downloaded so that you can shop and sell with ease.
  • There are plenty of styles, choices, sizes and colors of clothing etc.
  • You can earn credit that can be spent on the site (read more about this below)

Cons -

  • You do not get much money for selling things. For example, if you wanted to sell an American Eagle Outfitters dress you would only get $1.00-$3.00
  • You can only sell certain brands on there. 
  • When you are selling you have to ship your item to them where they put it up for sale using their pictures etc.

So, overall it's a lot better when you're buying on this site versus selling. You get cheaper prices, and you can earn credit to spend on the site almost immediately. 

One last thing, You will get $10 when signing up through the link below. Plus another $10 if you download the iphone app and another $10 if you download the ipad app! I was able to get $30 in credit on this site (and the credit can be used towards shipping). It's almost like free money. Good luck! This is not a scam. I got my credits all the way up to $40 just by making my family members and fiance download the app, and letting me log in. Here's a screenshot of my actual account:

Monday, February 3, 2014

Flappy Bird: The Review of My New Addiction (Flappy Bird Cheat)

Flappy Bird is currently my newest addiction. So, you have a small bird, and the point of the game is to get the bird to fly in between two tubes by tapping your screen. Sounds pretty easy, right?

NO! It is not easy. The first few time I was only able to get past two sets of tubes each time I played. Finally after playing for hours, my highest score is 16. 

Overall, it is so hard, and very addicting. I've been playing for hours. 

Also, cheats, why are cheats popping up every time I search for Flappy bird. Appearently there are invisibility cheats, but the truth is, if I used cheats there would be no use for playing this game. Haha

Anyways, go download the app now! I promise you will become addicted. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Vinted App Review: Buy, Sell, and Swap Clothing From Your Own Closet

First and foremost, I stumbled upon Vinted while I was scrolling through my Facebook. Might I add that I find it funny how they strategically place ads so that you get that thought in your mind that says, "Hey, I wonder what this app is like". Haha, so I couldn't help it, I then clicked and downloaded the app. Initially, the app was kind of confusing. There were so many things going on at once, (buying, selling, shopping, swapping, gifting, etc.). So, I think that the best way to describe this app is that it is sort of like an online yard sale, except instead of only buying and selling things you can swap and give away things as well.

Ultimately I found it very fun to look through my closet and find things that I don't necessarily want or need anymore, and turn it into money or things that I actually want or need. More specifically, I had this designer bag in my closet for forever that I had never worn because it was a gift and wasn't really my style, and by the end I ended up with a different designer bag that was completely "me".

Overall, I give this app a rating of 10/10, especially if you really enjoy clothing, accessories, shoes, and other things that fit in those categories. Heck, I could even say that I'm pretty much addicted. I can't help but check the app every 20 minutes just to see if anything has changed.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hughes Net: why you should NOT get this internet service if you can help it.

First of all, I live in the middle of nowhere, and yeah I'm sure you have heard that before, but I'm not kidding. I really live deep, deep in the middle of nowhere. Haha, anyways the bad part about this is that most Internet service providers will not offer service to people in rural areas. Now, this is exactly the reason why my family and I are forced to use satellite internet. So, after weighing our options and even using a few different satellite internet providers we decided to stick with Hughes Net, but even though Hughes Net is the best satellite internet it still is far from cable or DSL Internet. I mean yeah if it had a few problems here and there it wouldn't matter, but it seems like every day something goes awry.

The first problem I have with Hughes Net is that it constantly is going in and out. Sometimes I'll find that the speed of the internet is so slow that it's comparable to dial up speed. Also, the internet is constantly going out due to weather conditions. I swear if there is a tiny cloud in the way of the satellite, the internet will be out for the entire day. 

The next problem that I have with Hughes Net is that you are only allowed a certain amount of downloads per every 24 hours. This may not be a problem for some people, but since computers are constantly downloading things every second youre on the internet (pictures, web pages, etc.) it can be a problem for most people, including me. I mean the limit is so crazy that you cannot even watch YouTube. For example, if you watch 2 to 3 two minute videos, your download allowance is exceeded for a whole 24 hours causing your internet to bump down to the same speeds as dial up. On top of that to restore your speed back to normal it takes what they call a "restore token" which are over $8 a piece. One time I remembered spending $40 in one day just so that I could get my college essay done on time. 

One last BIG problem that I have with Hughes Net is that sometimes I will wake up and the download allowance that I was allowed for that day will be exceeded for no apparent reason. I mean unless ghosts are using my computer while I'm sleeping, because I sure am NOT sleep walking while surfing the net. And before anyone says anything, yes I actually have set a password on my wifi, so no one is stealing my internet either. 

Anyways, overall I have nothing but bad words for Hughes Net, and I CANNOT wait until cable or DSL providers provide internet service in my area. 

Last of all, if anyone has any recommendations on different internet providers that provide service in rural areas please comment below. Also if you have had any experiences with Hughes Net personally please tell us about it in the comments as well.